PEOPLE: stanley SERIES 3
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No full size images are given on this website due to uncertain copyright restrictions. These thumbnails are intended simply as a preview indexed to the relevant Weekly Courier issue date and page.
11 July 1912 Insert 3 Stanley Brass Band. Bank row from left to right: J J Holmes, J G Smith, J Shepherd and J Trethewie. Second row: K Chatwin, D Smith, J H Smith, P Madsen, M E Button and J E Burley. Front row: P Carroll, W G Stuart, A C Smith, A W Penrose (conductor), D Ferguson, P J Button, H H Smith and V Ferguson. |
13 November 1913 Insert 2 Recent successful production of the operetta, A Nautical Knot, at the Town Hall at Stanley. The operetta was produced by amateurs to aid the town hall fund. Back row from left to right: V Ferguson, A W Penrose, G Anderson and Ira Ferguson. Second row: W Montgomery, F Ferguson, Mrs Williscroft, Miss Phillips, Harold A Kirby (secretary), Oscar H Padfield (stage manager), Miss Ida Poke, John Holmes and H G Spicer (manager). Third row: W Williscroft, G H Anderson, Miss Enid Bradley, Mrs A Bertram Cowle (musical directress), Miss Laurel Anthony and D Lucadou-Wells. Front row: Misses M Stokes, Isabella Stuart, Rhoda Patridge, Holly Anthony, Queenie Young, Gertrude Hutson and Amy Button. |