PEOPLE: wynyard SERIES 11
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No full size images are given on this website due to uncertain copyright restrictions. These thumbnails are intended simply as a preview indexed to the relevant Weekly Courier issue date and page.
11 November 1915 Insert 2 Six young ladies of Wynyard, who passed examinations of the Trinity College of Music, London, at the Burnie Centre. Intermediate: Mary Duniam (gold medal) 77; Florence White 68; Junior: Maggie Moroney. Preparatory: Violet Terry 80; Bessie Kinch 76 and First Steps: Sylvia Reeves |
20 April 1916 Insert 3 Norman Ridge, son of Mr P Ridge, Boat Harbour, rode 2,600 miles to Wynyard State School last year, one of the wettest seasons on record. Prepared at the local State School in 1914 by A M Stewart, until that gentleman’s health failed. He then passed on to Wynyard State School and under A G During gained his Qualifying Certificate. Remained under Burning during 1915, passed again, and has now entered the State High School in Launceston, where he is studying for a teacher. |