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No full size images are given on this website due to uncertain copyright restrictions. These thumbnails are intended simply as a preview indexed to the relevant Weekly Courier issue date and page.
6 September 1902 Insert 3 Cattle auction conducted by W T Bell and Company at Curraghmore, the property of H Macarthy near Launceston on 27 August 1902. The photograph depicts some well known identities from the Northwest. Although not identified it is believed the first two figures are Herbert Gibson (manager for W T Bell and Company) and Jabez Poke (overseer for Charles Gilmore). The last figure on the right is D Nicholson (butcher). |
22 April 1905 Insert 2 Some passengers celebrating the 50th anniversary of the arrival of Commodore Perry at Launceston. Seated from left to right J C Lochart, J McLennan and Alfred Jones. Standing from left to right: A J Keltie, John Husband, W Reid and J Morris. Some of the ship’s passengers made their way to the northwest including James Freeburgh and Adam Elphingstone |
7 May 1908 Insert 2 Frederick Rockliff, a prominent member of the northwest coast, who died at Bishopbourne where he was visiting on the occasion of the marriage of his niece, Emily Hall. He died shortly after the wedding lunch. His father came to the Wesley Dale district in 1841 as overseer for Henry Reed. |
14 November 1912 Insert 4 The annual motor vehicle reliability trial run from Launceston to Burnie, leaving Launceston on the Saturday, staying at Burnie on the Sunday and returning to Launceston on the Monday. The route taken was via Black Forest to Latrobe, then from Latrobe via Spreyton to Devonport and onwards through Ulverstone to the Bay View Hotel at Burnie. There were 20 vehicles in the trial in addition to seven motorcycles. C Bourke’s Argyle car near Howth. |